Montecatini is situated in Valdinievole and is one of the 11 villages that compose Valdinievole. The presence of men in this area dates from a long time ago. Since the beginning of the Paleoliticum, the region was inhabited by itinerant hunters, but from the Mesolithicum on, various settlements proved even more obviously the presence of men, prevalently in the hilly part that is. That is where the story of the region took a start, a story full of resources and the scene of many disputes. At the begiinning of the XIVth century, at the border of Valdinievole emerged a new center of power: Florence. The inhabitants of Florence undermined the power of Siena and Arezza, that ruled over the valley before the Florence imposed itself. But exactly atthe moment when Florence tried to expand its power even more, there was an anti-clerical revolution in the north east of the region that succeeded in slowing down the expansionist process during the beginning of the fourteenth century. Leader of this revolution was UGUCCIONE DELLA FAGGIOLA, who became the imperial vicar and lord of Pisa and Lucca, threatning directly Florence. A war was inevitable since the rule over the entire Tuscan region was at stake. The year after, in 1315… |
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